Job Packages

Post your job today and find the right dental technicians for your dental laboratory.

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Most Popular
Single job vacancy.
Low cost, one-off payment
No contract. No commissions.

AED 460
INR 10,399
Advertise job for 12 months
One low-cost fee
Fully branded company profile
Unlimited applications
Browse resume database
Stand out from other jobs
Social media blasts

Package will expire 12 months after date of purchase.
Most Popular
Single job vacancy.
Featured & shared on socials.
Low cost, one-off payment
No contract. No commissions.

AED 675
INR 15,499
Advertise job for 12 months
One low-cost fee
Fully branded company profile
Unlimited applications
Browse resume database
Stand out from other jobs
Social media blasts (details below)

Package will expire 12 months after date of purchase.
Most Popular
Unlimited job listings
for bigger labs
Low cost, one-off payment
No contract. No commissions.

AED 1170
INR 25,999
Advertise jobs for 12 months
One low-cost fee (*per lab)
Fully branded company profile
Unlimited applications
Browse resume database
Stand out from other jobs
Social media blasts (details below)

*Price is per location. If you have jobs in various locations, contact us to find out how to advertise all jobs.

Package will expire 12 months after date of purchase.

Social Media Blasts

Social Media Blasts share your job listing with our network of 30,000+ dental technicians and lab owners across Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter(X) and Instagram.

This is the quickest way to get seen by the industry. We share your job across our network 6x times (once a week for 6 weeks)