Post a job and start finding the right technicians for your dental lab.
All prices are in USD
Use the promo code LabWelcome at the checkout
(available on any purchase)
✓ 1x job listing
✓ Company profile
✓ View resumes
✓ Your job(s) included in job email alerts
✓ Applications direct to your email inbox
✕ Shared with our 32,000+ social network
✕ Featured job (stand out from other jobs)
Jobs packages are subscription-based and renew every 30 days until cancelled .. cancel anytime!
Featured jobs receive the greatest visibility for increased traffic. Uniquely highlighted on our home page and promoted to our active social media communities, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
✓ 1x job listing
✓ Company profile
✓ View resumes
✓ Your job(s) included in job email alerts
✓ Applications direct to your email inbox
✓ Shared with our 32,000+ social network
✓ Featured job (stand out from other jobs)
Jobs packages are subscription-based and renew every 30 days until cancelled .. cancel anytime!
You can post 3x Featured jobs with maximum visibility for increased traffic. Uniquely highlighted on our home page and promoted to our active social media communities, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
✓ 3x job listings
✓ Company profile
✓ View resumes
✓ Your job(s) included in job email alerts
✓ Applications direct to your email inbox
✓ Shared with our 32,000+ social network
✓ Featured jobs (stand out from other jobs)
Jobs packages are subscription-based and renew every 30 days until cancelled .. cancel anytime!
Hate monthly subscriptions?
Pay once and advertise your job for 3 months. Get all the benefits of our popular “Featured Job Listing” for half the price!
Your job will feature above regular job listings for 90 days.
Also promoted on our social media channels, including Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
✓ 90 -day job listing
✓ No monthly fees!
✓ Company profile
✓ Resume access
✓ Your job(s) included in job email alerts
✓ Applications direct to your email inbox
✓ Shared with our 32,000+ social network
✓ Featured job (stand out from other jobs)
Advertise until your job is filled! (12 months max) Promote your job to our audience of dental technicians. Track job views & applications, edit/hide your ad at any time. Job is shared with the Recruit4Technicians community including social media.
All of our job packages are priced in U.S dollars as this is the most widely accepted trade currency throughout the world.
When it comes to job posting, the cost may vary depending on the platform, package chosen, duration of the post, and visibility desired. Generally speaking, online job postings are very affordable and may save time and money compared to traditional methods. The job posting process is usually simple and straightforward; simply select a platform, create an account, and post the job. Then, monitor and track the performance of the posting through the platform. Generally, the cost to post a job online is reasonably low and can be an effective way to attract a larger pool of potential candidates.
We offer a more focused approach than generic job boards or dental recruitment agencies, and that is why we are the ideal choice for those seeking to hire dental technicians or other specialists in this field. Our goal is to help employers find the perfect job seeker for their needs quickly and hassle-free. So why wait? Start your search today with us and find the right technician for your lab!
It isn't an exact science, and the number will vary depending on the role you are looking to fill. But by calling us at +44 7595 315862, we can provide you with all the relevant statistics to help inform your decision. With our extensive network, we ensure that your job adverts get maximum exposure.
We certainly can! Contact us to discuss our multi-job advertising package.
Once you've created an Employer profile, click on "Post a Job", choose a job package and complete details of the job that you wish to advertise.
Finally, you'll be taken via checkout to complete your advert.
Yes, simply go to My Account>Job Postings to edit an advert.
No, payment details will not be required upon registration, you will only need to provide payment details when purchasing job packages.
All packages are subscription-based and renew every 30 days until cancelled.
No commitment ... cancel anytime.
When logged-in, simply click My Account > Job Postings and click "Cancel" on the vacancy that's no longer required.
Yes, you can add links, images and videos to your job advert and also your company profile. This will benefit your employer branding and also help to promote your job openings.
Or, do you have specific requirements that our packages don't cover?
No problem, contact us here and we'll do our best to find the right solution for you.