Blog > Employers

How Do I Post A Job?

How Do I Post A Job?

Posting a job on the website is easy. First, register an account here where you'll immediately be able to enter your company details.

Next, in the menu at the top of the page, click on "Pricing", where you can choose a job advertising package. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the form by entering all the necessary information. Then click "Preview" where you will be able to review your job post.

If you need to make corrections click "Edit".

If your job post meets your standards then click "Post". Enter payment information on the payment page that appears and then click "Place Order". Our admin team will approve your job post, and your job will now be live!

What happens next?

Dental technicians searching the site can now find your job advert and your company profile. Applications go directly to your inbox, you can also keep track of your applications and job ad's within your account dashboard.

If you chose the "Featured" job package, your job will also get featured on our home page and posted across our vast social media network.

Best wishes

The Recruit4Technicians Team