Meet Rachel Miller, a trainee dental technician based in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire.
Rachel is looking for new opportunities to further progress her career. She's qualified having spent the last 3 years studying dental technology at LDI, covering prosthodontics, crown and bridge, and orthodontics, whilst also carrying out work experience at various dental labs. Rachel is also registered with the GDC.
What made you choose to pursue a career in dental technology?
I was always artistic and dental technology pays better than dental nursing!
What are your top 3 skills?
Bite blocks, trays and wax ups are the 3 areas that I've most experience in.
What do you most love about your job?
Making something that fits the patient that looks realistic and gives them their confidence.
What skills came easily to you, and what skills took longer to learn?
I need to improve my speed and my crown and bridge work. I am organised and have a lot of customer service experience. I can also use my dental nursing experience in the technology field.
What are your career goals for the future?
To learn new technologies as well as improving on the traditional. Improve my scope of practice. Maybe becoming CDT someday.
3 tips for aspiring dental technicians?
It's not as hard as you think. Try to learn as much as you can. Don't narrow down your options.
What's a fun fact you want people to know about you?
I love diamond painting. It's so relaxing to do in the evenings and it indulges my artistic side
Thanks for chatting to us Rachel 🙂
Tell us your story
Tell us about your career journey in dental technology.
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Blog post by Andy Foster - dental technician//recruitment blogger//caffeine addict